Image: Astrid Eckert, TUM


SeeFront 3D monitor at TUM Center for Geriatronics

Educational computer models make it easier for students of medicine and nursing to understand the human body. This applies in particular for 3D visualizations that explain the complex workings of the body. Autostereoscopic displays are a way to make such a learning experience even more compelling and instructive as there is no additional eyewear or headgear to distract the student’s attention.

The use of a SeeFront 3D monitor in this context was shown at an event at the new TUM User and Research Center for Geriatronics in Garmisch-Partenkirchen. The center is part of the Technical University of Munich (TUM). The researchers’ goal is to bring technical support systems for dignified and autonomous living in old age within reach, e.g. by developing robots helping old people in their home. This approach also involves new methods for teaching medical and nursing staff.

On his visit at the Center for Geriatronics in February 2020 the TUM president Thomas F. Hofmann got a demonstration of the SeeFront 3D monitor by Prof. Gerd Hirzinger, former head of the automation and robotics laboratory of DLR.